Tools For Watercolor Painting. Palette, Credit Card, Masking Tape, Plastic Spoon, Etc.
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A Color For Information
Burnt Sienna
A sedimentary color; sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Viridian
A sedimentary color; sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Pthalocyanine Blue
A "warm" (greenish) blue.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
+ close +Pyrrol Red
A "warm" (orangish) red.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
+ close +Arylide Yellow FGL
A "warm" (orangish) yellow.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
There is not an industry standard name for this color. I am offering DaVincis Brand name.
+ close +Yellow Ocher
A sedimentary color.
sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Cerulean Blue
A sedimentary color.
Sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Ultramarine Blue
A cool (purplish) blue.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly, theoretically yielding a uniform final (wash).
Actually Ultramarine Blue "flocculates" (gathers in clumps) so we only get a fairly smooth (wash)
Sadly, it's the only purplish blue thats light-fast and available to artists.
+ close +Alizarin Crimson
( Quinacridone )
A cool (purplish) red.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
n fact, Alizarine Crimson (a very early man made pigment) lost favor when it was found non light-fast.
Today we replace it it with a better version of the same color called Quinacdridone Red.
Nevertheless, manufacturers still call it Alizerine Crimson.
+ close +A cool (greenish) yellow
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
There is not an industry standard name for this color. I am offering the DaVincis Brand name.
+ close +There are just a few tools you need for watercolor painting.
A palette is some kind of rig where you set out your paints, and mix them together. There are lots of them on the market, and there a a few ways to create them with stuff around the house.
You absolutely need a pencil and eraser, but only one kind of each is good for watercolor.
We watercolorists do a lot of lifting and scraping of paint. The best tools for this are a plain old credit card and a plastic spoon.
I will show you what you need to get started.