How to Shop For A Watercolor Brush
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A Color For Information
Burnt Sienna
A sedimentary color; sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Viridian
A sedimentary color; sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Pthalocyanine Blue
A "warm" (greenish) blue.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
+ close +Pyrrol Red
A "warm" (orangish) red.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
+ close +Arylide Yellow FGL
A "warm" (orangish) yellow.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
There is not an industry standard name for this color. I am offering DaVincis Brand name.
+ close +Yellow Ocher
A sedimentary color.
sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Cerulean Blue
A sedimentary color.
Sediments quickly offering a mottled or shimmery look to the final (wash)
+ close +Ultramarine Blue
A cool (purplish) blue.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly, theoretically yielding a uniform final (wash).
Actually Ultramarine Blue "flocculates" (gathers in clumps) so we only get a fairly smooth (wash)
Sadly, it's the only purplish blue thats light-fast and available to artists.
+ close +Alizarin Crimson
( Quinacridone )
A cool (purplish) red.
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
n fact, Alizarine Crimson (a very early man made pigment) lost favor when it was found non light-fast.
Today we replace it it with a better version of the same color called Quinacdridone Red.
Nevertheless, manufacturers still call it Alizerine Crimson.
+ close +A cool (greenish) yellow
A non sedimentary color settles out smoothly yielding a uniform finish (wash)
There is not an industry standard name for this color. I am offering the DaVincis Brand name.
+ close +Buying watercolor brushes can be an overwhelming experience. There are way too many choices.
It is really not as bad as it looks.
Brushes have different water holding capacities. Also different feels. I will show you what to look for and why you might want to select a particular fiber like sable hair or nylon.
Size too is important, but not the daunting problem it might seem to be at first.
Experienced painters don't have dozens of brushes. Often they have only a few. You too can have just a few brushes that can do everything you want to do.